Friday 9 November 2012


Below is an email conversation between Rachel’s (one of our group members) auntie and her boss inquiring about the permission of the filming we wanted to do in the Natural History Museum

From: Martin Munt
Sent: 25 October 2012 11:42
To: Andy Fleet
Cc: Claire Mellish
Subject: Re: student filming

It is for personal use so no problem

Dr Martin Munt
Collections Manager Inverts & Plants
Dept of Earth Sciences
The Natural History Museum

On 25 Oct 2012, at 11:29, "Andy Fleet" <> wrote:

> Claire
> On the basis you describe and provided you supervise the process
> throughout I am happy that this goes ahead subject to Martin's OK.
> Andy
> On 25/10/2012 11:22, "Claire Mellish" <> wrote:
>> Dear Andy,
>> My niece has asked if she could film a few corridor shots and perhaps the
>> inside of one room in the Earth Sciences department for a school project.
>> She's in the 6th form and it would be a group of 3 people for about an
>> hour.  The project is to come up with a trailer only so it would never be
>> used beyond her school and I would be with them the whole time.
>> Claire

Below is a screenshot giving information about filming in the Natural History Museum:

The image above above is the information on the national history museums website. The text on the museums webpage states their filming policy. It clarifys that there are fees from £350.00 per hour for commercial filming and also £80 per hour for each member of staff needed. Commercial filming would be considered as anything that the public are able to view this is filming work that it is not for personal and private use. Even though are film piece is for educational use because the film introduction would be posted on a public blogging site and social networking sites, of blogger and youtube it would not be classed as for personal use.

The policy also states that the public galleries would only be allowed to filmed in out of public opening hours, this would mean that we’d have to film some parts of the intro out of opening hours this would mean that we’d be filming later in the evening or early night time this would mean that the filming would become inconvient and difficult to fit in.

This quotation below is from the museums policy for filming and photography, stating how the royalties that are made from the work will be shared with the museum.

“The Museum shall ensure that it has appropriate written agreements in place with volunteers, research students, commissioned parties, freelancers and other contracted parties to negotiate the right to apply for and register worldwide any patent for an invention, trade mark and secrets, designs and confidential
Information and will name creators in such applications. In cases where this is not possible the Museum the Museum shall explore possibilities of shared royalty provisions.”

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