Friday 9 November 2012

Location/Premises of Film Shoot


We will be needing an isolated location, as we will be filming an opening title scene for a horror movie. The isolated location will make the whole opening title scene seem more scary and make the characters feel vulnerable. Many horror movies are filmed in isolated locations to scarce the audience, as it makes the events in the film more realistic if they take place in one specific location. Being in an isolated place can be horrific, as it builds tension and has the audience in suspense.


This barn is situated in Postern Lane, a private lane running from Vale Road to Five Oak Green Road.

The location above is one of the locations we have chosen to focus on for filming our opening title scene. We chose this location, as their is a barn situated here and it is very isolated. We need an isolated area as we will be filming horror scenes and there will be screaming and shouting and we don't want to disturb anyone close by, which is why we chose this location. This location is also close for all of our group members to get to without any hassle. The barn situated in this area is also very old and dodgy looking inside and outside, which is a perfect building for our filming to take place in. The above map will also help us to find the location of the barn easily.

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